Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Most gun owners are responsible people. Except for a few buffoons you run into that remind you of an old joke. A gun nut, dressed in full cowboy attire--fur chaps, fringe shirt, ten-gallon hat, two .45's, boots and spurs--jangles up to the Dairy Queen window. " I want a sundae," he says. The waitress asks, "Want your nuts crushed?" Whereby our hero draws his .45's, points them at the waitress and growls: "You want your ass shot off?"

Such a clown came to the Range, at the City Dump beside the Airport, on one of the days we allowed civilians to shoot. Done up like Sunset Carson, and packing a S&W .44 Magnum, he had his lady in tow. When he got to the firing line, he pointed for the girl to stand to the rear and , with a flourish worthy Roy Rogers, pulled his six-gun. You must keep in mind this weapon, at the time, was called by none other than Dirty Harry Clint Eastwood the world's most powerful handgun. And Mr. Eastwood does not exaggerate.

When we noticed the goofy gunslinger had no ear protection and was holding the cannon straight out with a single-hand grip, we knew we were in for a show.

After posing a while, he pulled the trigger, the air split with thunder, and the recoil slammed the pistol backwards until it hit him right between the eyes. Sleepy time for Sunset. The barrel split his forehead open, causing it to gush blood. Fortunately, with this doofus, there was no danger of any brains leaking out. When he returned to the world of the reasonably sane, realizing what an ass he'd made of himself, he wrapped his head in a bandanna and headed for the ranch. We had to remind him that he'd left his magnum and lady, with a wry smile on her face, at the firing line.

Continued tomorrow

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