Thursday, January 22, 2009


Once, in the 70's when I was Chief of the NPD, I was attending a budget hearing. The subject was cutting costs. One councilman, who we'll call Gerhardt Widget, noted for his nasty disposition and hair-brain ideas, suggested we cut costs by converting to bicycles. This was greeted by muffled snickers in the august chambers. But he persisted, saying he'd read this had been done in some cities.

I explained that those were big cities, and the bicycle patrols supplemented radio car patrols in very dense population areas. In no case were they used in the suburbs.

But Gerhardt plowed on, grumbling,
I just can't see why we can't try it here.

Exasperated, I said: Well, let's suppose we receive a call from your terrified wife who is home alone and says a rapist has broken into your home.

Do you want us to say: Just hold on, I'm peddling as fast as I can.

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