Wednesday, March 24, 2010


 The recent sleazy, partisan, national politics surrounding the Health Care bill calls to mind some weasels we had on the local level. And there were/are several. Some of their acts so blatantly two-faced you wonder how they get away with it. But, they do, relying on the short memory of the voters. 
 One "lifer" County politician used to laugh at the voter's stupidity, saying their memory was only six- months long. He'd say he could take a crap on the Courthouse steps, in front of the Girl Scouts, and in six- months it would be forgotten. He may have had a point.
  Another barfbag, showed total disregard for the public's ability to even recognize his disingenuous rhetoric. He was a City Councilman and we'll call him Ol' Split-tongue. 
  At the time, the union pot was boiling: to the workers making a hearty soup; to the City a witch's caldron. The City worker's doing the cooking were the police officers. Tired of the City's arbitrary and unfair policy regarding tenure, a strong pro-union push was underway. 
  The movement's momentum had grown until the City had to recognize it. A public forum was held in the City Council Chambers. Because of the overflow crowd, space was reserved for the "public." Police officers had to stand outside. Even those who lived in the City and were taxpayers and, therefore, the "public."
  During one of the vigorous exchanges, Ol' Split-tongue reckoned that the City should identify all those cops pushing for a union and fire them, forthwith. This, of course, was the main reason a union was needed because such firings were, indeed, possible.
  Howsumever, not ten-minutes later the meeting recessed. Ol' Split-tongue chose not to use the rear chamber exit and walked directly out the front door into the angry crowd. There had to be many there who, even though being locked outside, had heard what he'd said. But, standing on the top step, pumping his fist in the air, he shouted., "Give 'em hell boys, I'm with you." Then he gave a mock salute, and ambled away. Before the stunned crowd could compute what had just happened he was gone.
  Ol' Split-tongue went on to win several more terms at this office and that and was never called into account for being a frequent, notorious liar. 
  The shame in this country is we have come to expect politicians to act in this manner.

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