Bub was a sweet guy. Those who knew him wondered how he maintained that attitude after working all those years in the Collier County Jail--the jail not being Fun City. But Bub always had a sunny disposition, was eager to help, and could take a joke. And that was a good thing because Bub was one of those poor folks who seem to always wear a "Kick Me" sign.
We all screw up and do mindless things. Bub, however, was a repeat offender. He'd do the same ones over and over, never seeming to learn from the experience.
As an example, one of the Jailers would ask Bub if he'd go get them a Coke. Bub, of course, would cause that's the kinda guy he was. The jail has long hallways and you could see Bub heading for the Coke machine for maybe 50 yards. Halfway there, another Jailer would yell to Bub, "Get me one, too." Bub would nod and continue on.
As an example, one of the Jailers would ask Bub if he'd go get them a Coke. Bub, of course, would cause that's the kinda guy he was. The jail has long hallways and you could see Bub heading for the Coke machine for maybe 50 yards. Halfway there, another Jailer would yell to Bub, "Get me one, too." Bub would nod and continue on.
He'd soon return with one Coke, then go back to get the second one. That's right. And he fell for this gag over and over.
Then there was the coffee thing. Bub wore his watch on his left wrist and held his coffee cup in his left hand. When asked what time it was, he'd look at his watch, tipping over the cup and spilling coffee in his lap. Did it time after time.
Bub once called a Kentucky hospital, to determine the condition of a very sick relative. The front office checked, and came back on the line, "I'm sorry, but he's gone."
Bub loaded up his family and headed for KY. There, he went directly to the funeral home, where he was told the relative was not there. Confused, he went to see the hospital folks who told him that they meant the relative had "gone" home. He was fine.
That was Bub.
That was Bub.
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