Some days you wonder why you got out of bed. Newly, a CCSO Deputy, could tell you all about it.
The day started with great prospects. He'd just completed six-weeks of training with a Field Training Officer (FTO) after graduating from a lenghy Police Academy. Today was to be his first day on the job, on his own.
After completing the required paperwork, Newly was issued a patrol car; his very own. His first chore was to give it a through cleaning so he proceeded to a drive-thru automatic car wash to get the job done. He signed off on the CCSO account, and proceeded to the wash entrance. There were several signs posted along the way warning customers to roll up their windows and remove any magnetic signs, antennas, and the like. For some reason he didn't think the warnings applied to him.
Newly placed the car over the pull-thru track and soon a gentle tug told him he was underway. He watched contentedly as the water, then soap, then monster roller-brush crept up the front of the patrol car. Then over the windshield. Then--Great Blubberin' Glenn Beck, what was that?--a jerking stop and start and a banging on the roof like a cat-o-nine-tails was at work. But that wasn't the worst.
Next, the rear window exploded inward, the car was filled with water, liquid wax, and soap suds and Newly was floating in a upholstered bath tub.
When he was rescued, the problem was evident. The roller brush had made it over the light bar but caught on the heavy base-loaded antenna. This was ripped from the roof, whipped around the roller--causing the beating sound on the roof--then slapped through the rear window, knocking it out and letting the liquid mess in.
Poor Newly survived the incident and the day but had some heavy 'splainin' to do why he didn't read those signs.
Thanks to Chester Keene for his excellent memory and for jogging mine.
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