For years, Cops have been the brunt of donut jokes. Justifiably so, I guess. We do love the tasty treats. I've consumed many dozens. But, the donut wasn't my favorite treat. I've always been a Cheez-It fanatic. And, I was a multi-tasker. Could drive the patrol car, watch for suspicious activity, answer the radio, write notes, and, most importantly, munch Cheeze-Its simultaneously.
Now I've found out that Cheeze-Its can't be trusted anymore than the other food vendors. It's like being stabbed in the back by Dirty Harry. What happened? Judge for yourself.
The favorite scam of food vendors is to keep putting less and less in a box that you're used to. Most folks don't read the weight so if the box is the same size, they assume it's the same amount inside. Some do notice that when they open the box up it's only half full. Or the drink can size shirks--but the price doesn't. Or a twelve pack turns into an eight pack, same price of course. They all do it but I thought my beloved Cheeze-Its was above this slimy hoo-doo. Boo-Hoo.
Yesterday, at WalMart, I noticed a giant display of Cheeze-Its at discount prices. I wait and buy them now when they're on sale cause four dollars for a box of crackers is for the rich or stupid. These were $2.50 for the regular box. And, they had a new product, some sort of snack mix. Being adventurous when it comes to pogey bait, I picked up a box. Having picked up many Cheeze-It boxes I could tell immediately something was wrong. The weasels had struck. Although the box was the regular size, the weight wasn't the normal 13.9 ounces but 9.75. Do you hear that ripping noise?
Now I have to wonder what's next? Candy bars with puffed up wrappers hiding dwarf bars. Potato chips with so much air in the bag they nearly float. Wait a minute, they're already doing that.
Is nothing sacred?
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