Tuesday, June 22, 2010


  Cops have to learn to deal with sad situations. One of the worst is suicide. Folks who've enjoyed all of this life they can stand. Because of the prevalence of these cases, we all got to know Dr. Jose Lombillo well. Jose was the City's contract psychiatrist at the time and one of the founders of the Mental Health Association in Naples.
 Yep, it's a sad business but there can be rewards. Sometimes you can convince those who've tried and failed that there are other options. To seek professional help. Call Jose. Analyze the situation and see that voiding your warranty is not necessary. 
 I was regularly amazed at the situations a suicide-seeker had determined was so unbearable they could tolerate no more. I'm not talking about physical pain from cancer or terrors like tic douloureux--that causes mind-numbing pain, usually incurable. I'm talking about the miseries of the mind, resulting from things the victim has fixated on. Some, very strange.
  My dog doesn't love me anymore.  What? The people at work conspire to take all the best parking spaces. Huh? I'm in love with Paris Hilton and she doesn't even know I exist. Paris Hilton? That skink? Bubba, you are in need of help.
  Seems silly, right. But not to the person with the fixation. To them it's the worst problem in the world. A problem that can only be solved by self-termination.
  Then there is the most prevalent, and stupid reason of all. All cops have heard this one too many times: She, or he, or they, are gonna be sorry when I'm gone. If you have toyed with the idea of taking a dirt nap to relieve your woes, for Lord's sake this is the worst reason there is. Be sorry when you're gone! Bull-pucky! They'll likely be tickled to death you're out of the way.
 These scumbags have demonstrated how much they love you by making your life so miserable you want to cash in your frequent cryer miles. And you think they're gonna be sorry when you're gone? Nope. Seen it a thousand times. Your ex-love will be flirting with the cop that delivers the sad news. Forget it.
  So, if you've ever been down in the dumps and contemplated how to punish your unrequited lover, leave suicide out.  Me, I was always a fan of letting the air outta their tires and throwing away the valve stems. Sugar in the gas tank. Posting their phone number in public restrooms with the message For anal sex call . . . Stuff like that. 
 There, I've just saved your life. Aren't you happy?

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